The theory of everything.
One thing that unites all that we see at the scale of Galaxies, Suns, Atoms, and Quarks is Love or Lust and it makes up at least 75% of all the material forces in the universe, and that force through its various manifestations I think is a link between the current General theory of relativity
Why do people fight online a lot?
I actually think that many of what we see as offense online is categorized as 1-people that had a bad day, exploding on strangers instead of taking it out closer 2-Miscommunication and misunderstanding, without visual cues conversations are blind to our emotions. 3- aTrolls, people in deep pain taking it out on others due to
Emotiva A-300 driving Magnepan MMG with bass panels, Automating and power consumption.
Emotiva a-300 150 W/8Ohm driving Magnepan MMG with 2 bass panels on full volume highest part of Pink Floyd Marooned instrumental. A/B Class amps eat a lot of power at full volume. On idling the amp is 17 watts which is like 3 or 4 led lamps. On normal comfortable listening volume the power is
Open letter to the CEO of OVH: Please sell
Recently OVH, one of the most respected quality budget providers of hosting services including dedicated server hosting rental, has stopped selling all dedicated server rental. The move comes after its new line of servers was released with quite competitive prices and excellent value. The problem is that many of their existing clients opted to upgrade
لم يوجد زمن منذ بدء الخلق حتي الان استطاع الرجل العادي ان يتحدث عن امور العالم و ينتقد بفهم او بدون من زمن الفيسبوك و البلوج و الي ما ذلك لنري ما قاله الرسول محمد عليه الصلاه و السلام في زمننا سيأتي على الناس زمان سنوات خداعات: يصدق فيها الكاذب ويكذب فيها الصادق، ويؤتمن فيها
Sony announces 6.4 inch Xperia Z Ultra largest phone to date
The phablet things is getting out of hand, first there was the Samsung Note and then everybody realized there is a big market for big phones. The Xperia Z Ultra is a high end phone/phablet with full HD Screen, a top of the line Snapdragon 800 QuadCore processor that is as fast as the fastest
Now in Egypt: Asus FonePad ME371MG 7″ 8GB 3G Tablet
Talking of Phablets ( very large screen phones ), the Asus Fonepad is now available for order online in Egyptian online stores like e3050.com for around 2200LE which is a real bargain for this device. It has a 7 inch screen 8Gigs of storage, a single core Intel Atom processor which makes this one of
Samsung announces Galaxy S4 Zoom a camera that is a phone.
Here in Egypt people love their phones to the extent that digital cameras are nearly dead. But you can not get decent photos or a good zoom with a phone. This is all about to change. The new Galaxy S4 Zoom is more of a camera than any other phone. It has a dedicated zoom