
The reason why today is more interesting than yesterday!

  • Android phones with keyboard

    The first Android phone the G1 had a physical keyboard, I had one, and it was amazing. Keyboards are easier to write on than touch screens and faster too. But the main strong point of a physical keyboard is that the screen is visible fully for virtual touch keyboards usually eat half the screen making…

  • My alternative view on the Egyptian Inar Tablet.

    Politics aside the amount of free publicity the first Egyptian Inar tablet got due to the political controversy around it was phenomenal. If I was the marketing manager in that company I would do this all over again. The Inar tablet got free publicity on every Egyptian media channel more than once because of the…

  • Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro 700T user review

    Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro 700T user review

    CompuME as well as others in Egypt now have the Samsung Ativ 700T in stock. This devices is one of the first Windows 8 devices that will show you the full potential of Windows 8. The device can be used as a tablet and can be docked to the keyboard to tun into a lightweight…

  • Paypal in Egypt now, only sending for now.

    Paypal in Egypt now, only sending for now.

    Just tried out paypal, it has been a long time waiting for this. Paypal can seriously help Egyptians that want to do small business online. Internationally it is the payment method of choice for many sites that allow people to do online jobs and tasks for a fee like It can open a whole…

  • Sony Xperia Z now in Egypt: Take your phone to the pool

    Sony Xperia Z now in Egypt: Take your phone to the pool

    The Sony Xperia Z phone is now available for purchase in Egypt, you can even order it online from stores like Jumia or e305o and get it delivered to your home. The phone costs around 5200-5300LE. Unlike Samsung phones I do not expect the price of a sony phone to change drastically withing the first…

  • Samsung Galaxy Note 3 renamed Galaxy Mega?

    In what would be one of the biggest branding blunders in tech, the rumours have it that the upcoming Galaxy note 3 will be renamed Mega and will come in two different sizes. I think that this will not be a new note but most probably a lower budget large screen phone that will take large screens…

  • Magnets mess up the Galaxy Note 2 stylus

    A relative of mine got and returned a Galaxy Note 2 phone because of intermittent stylus problems. The stylus would not work in certain parts of the screen, namely the middle part of the right edge. The Guys at mobile shop where amazingly understanding and replaced the phone when she demoed this problem to them.…

  • Microsoft Surface Pro: one fatal flaw

    Microsoft Surface Pro: one fatal flaw

    Honestly I love to hate Microsoft but sometimes they come up with good stuff. And when you take Windows 8 aside the Surface Pro is an amazing piece of hardware. The Surface Pro which is not available in Egypt as of the time of writing this blog post manages to put a full ultrabook class…

  • One liner Linux command to extract URLs from text files

    I find my self needing to extract URLs from text files quite a lot and this is the easiest one liner linux command line magic that I got to extract urls from text files. cat filename | grep http | grep -shoP ‘http.*?[” >]’ > outfilename The first grep helps reduce cpu load. The second…

  • Can the real PC ( Personal Computer ) please stand up.

    Can the real PC ( Personal Computer ) please stand up.

    When PCs where first introduced they where expensive and rather bulky and most of all hard to use. With time prices went down, software became easier and the PCs shrank. Now the definition of what a PC is has changed so radically that we need to rethink what is the PC. A PC does computing…