Philosophy and Spirituality

A deeper look into the Why and the How.

  • Baths of Blood and Points of View

    The greater holy Eid of all Muslims is the final day in the pilgrimage of Haj. In that day, both pilgrims and all Muslims who are heads of a family that are financially able must offer a sacrifice of sheep to God and divide it between themselves, their family and the poor. Millions of sheep…

  • Do not lead, do not follow, carry no brands but your own.

    Do not lead, do not follow, carry no brands but your own.

    Do not lead. Are you sure you are right? Are you so sure that you are willing to risk not only your stake in things but also other people’s stakes? Well this is what leading entails. In my view very few people should lead and most of the leaders should not simply because they want…

  • Wisdom in a post.

    Wisdom in a post.

    Intelligence  is knowing how to calculate the speed of a bullet in your head, wisdom is the ability to live life without needing to use a gun! Wisdom sometimes comes with age but not always, it is hard for a teenager to be wise, for it is the mistakes of his youth that allow him…