The rest of the Universe

  • Is Paypal bad for the Egyptian Economy.

    Paypal has started operating in Egypt and this is big news. But the real question remains will this be a good thing for Egypt as a whole? Currently paypal in Egypt does not allow you to collect your received payments to your bank account. This means that while you can spend money through paypal, paypal…

  • Paypal Egypt:Getting your account verified fast

    Paypal has started in Egypt and many of you will want a paypal account fast. While you can use your paypal account right away with your credit card, many online merchants require that your account be verified. For that paypal has a method to make sure you actually own the credit card you use in…

  • Samsung Galaxy Mega Annouced:Bigger than Note 2 but probably cheaper.

    It seems that the rumors of a 6.3 Inch screen size are true but it is not a Galaxy Note. Galaxy Mega will come in 5.8 and 6.3 inch sizes, the 6.3 inch will have the same 720P resolution as the Galaxy Note 2, the 5.8 Inch seems to have a 960X540 screen resolution which…

  • IdeaPad Yoga 13 Now in Egypt: Buy a good ultrabook and use it as a terrible tablet for free.

    Jumia now lists the  Lenovo Idea Pad Yoga for 7000LE for the core I5 128Gig ssd model. And at 1.5Kg it is not too bad as an altrabook. Yes I expect a decent 13 inch ultrabook to weigh only 1.3Kg max not 1.5KG but think of it you get a bad tablet in the same…

  • شعرم

    داري خيبتك يا شاطر تقول مخاصم و انت مش آدر هي المقطعه تحلي الا و الآنتخابات دخله فك كيسك و كلف علي حزبك اصرف سيبك من البخل ده غيرك صرف اد كده فلوس و سجن و صحه تمنين سنه مش حبه اوم ربنا يهديك ورينا شطرتك في الصناديق ايهاب هيكل

  • Choosing the perfect Ultrabook

    Choosing the perfect Ultrabook

    Now some perspective here, a normal computer user will be happy with mostly any ultrabook. Their performance is good and they are very very light. A normal user should look for the following weight, sturdiness, and speed. The variation in weight between ultrabooks is huge, see there is a big difference between a 1.1 KG…

  • The question that has more answers than “Does God Exist?”.

    This question has for thousands of years been a center of much debate. But honestly a question is as valuable as the answers it provides. Another question that provides the same answers and more is “Does satan exist?” Such answers provide much insight to who we are. For those that answer yes, see others that…

  • The alien thus said to me: Come with me.

    The alien thus said to me: Come with me.

    The alien that sometime visits me looked perplexed, you might not notice it for his features and expressions are not like ours. Look I really like to visit you but this time I might not come back for a long time, the portal between our worlds is passing in a weak phase. So I might…

  • The alien thus said to me 2

    To us your species is strange, for on all other habitable planets the planets are habitable! I said, “But our planet is habitable.” Is it really so? Our scans indicated large amounts of chemicals in your water and air that are not compatible with your physiology or rather are extremely harmful to your health. Are…

  • The Alien thus said to me.

    The Alien thus said to me.

    The alien that comes from a planet far far away talks to me and thus said to me One thing really puzzles us about your planet. When we look at your maps, we see mountains where your maps say they are. We see water, where your maps say there are sees and oceans. But what…