Emotiva a-300 150 W/8Ohm driving Magnepan MMG with 2 bass panels on full volume highest part of Pink Floyd Marooned instrumental. A/B Class amps eat a lot of power at full volume. On idling the amp is 17 watts which is like 3 or 4 led lamps. On normal comfortable listening volume the power is like 110W. The Emotiva is being run directly from Sanskrit 10th DAC and thus has no power management since it is a power amp.
I put it on a home automation socket and thus measured the wattage and wrote a script to monitor power usage and if it is on 17 watts for 4 minutes it will turn off the Emotiva amp.
With Jriver i was also able to make Jriver automatically turn on the amp when i press play on any song! The emotiva to be controlled by the home automation socket needed to have the 12v trigger to be controlled to, so i made a simple connection to turn on the 12v trigger with the socket. All i did was use an old 9V electrical DC transformer from an old router or such, cut its wires and wired it to a mono 3.5mm plug that is used for all 12V triggers and put this on the same home automation socket. This allows one socket to give power and turn on the amp from the default sleep mode. Sorry but have to run both 12V and amp from same socket!
Jriver is amazing. 12V triggers and standards like it help you modernize oldish gear.
The SMSL Sanskrit 10th DAC is also great and gives amazing sound for a very cheap price.