With a high price tag the Samsung Galaxy S4 is not available at most mobile shops and Egyptian online stores like nefsak for 5777LE with local distributor warranty. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is also available but in lesser quantities and some shops do not stock it still for 4,600LE. While the Note 8 works as a phone its size makes it nearly impossible to carry in your pocket, although from experience many women choose to use use large devices since they use their purse anyway. Although the Note 8 is new it uses the same processor that the older note 2 uses rather than the newer processor that that S4 uses. The new S4 in Egypt uses Samsung’s new 8 core processor that has 4 ultra high speed cores that make it as fast or faster than most if not all netbooks, and 4 processors that are slower to be used to conserve battery when speed is not needed. Also of note is that the S4’s touch screen is so sensitive that you can actually use it without touching it, for those situations where your hands are oily from the pizza slice you are eating.