التجاره بالدين
إعلاء راية الدين يستلزم ان نرفع راية الدين أولا، لكن كيف يتم ذلك وكل من يرفع راية الدين يُتهم بأنه يتاجر بالدين؟ حتى انني اظن في نفسي انه لو كان سيد الخلق صلي الله عليه وسلم بيننا الان لاتهموه بأنه يتاجر بالدين لو قرأ قول الله تعالى (إن الله اشترى من المؤمنين أنفسهم وأموالهم بأن
Reflections:What do I look like?
How would I look like if I saw myself for the first time? How do I look like if I see myself with your eyes and what would I think of my self if I had your mind? Am I the person I think I am? Would I be my friend if I had the
داري خيبتك يا شاطر تقول مخاصم و انت مش آدر هي المقطعه تحلي الا و الآنتخابات دخله فك كيسك و كلف علي حزبك اصرف سيبك من البخل ده غيرك صرف اد كده فلوس و سجن و صحه تمنين سنه مش حبه اوم ربنا يهديك ورينا شطرتك في الصناديق ايهاب هيكل
Biased Humans.
Everybody is biased, that is life. Some people will sacrifice truth, decency, faith and honor to further their biases. Some people will share before they read, some will read but not verify. Some will verify before sharing but their verification is biased. Some will write in a news paper column, some will reply to posts,
Who will the Egyptians be?
The path of peace and love is much harder than the path of politics and power. Everything you do, every thing you say, every lie you tell yourself to justify your position, defines who you are and what Egypt is going to be for generations ahead. Will our generation be remembered as creating an Egypt
My definition of Wisdom is the Arabic word الحكمة as opposed to Intelligence, which is universal , or intellectuality as in being “an intellectual”. Intelligence is related to the ability to solve real world problems. Intellectuality is related to philosophy. In this sense related should be taken more loosely than its usual meaning. But Wisdom
The question that has more answers than “Does God Exist?”.
This question has for thousands of years been a center of much debate. But honestly a question is as valuable as the answers it provides. Another question that provides the same answers and more is “Does satan exist?” Such answers provide much insight to who we are. For those that answer yes, see others that
The alien thus said to me 2
To us your species is strange, for on all other habitable planets the planets are habitable! I said, “But our planet is habitable.” Is it really so? Our scans indicated large amounts of chemicals in your water and air that are not compatible with your physiology or rather are extremely harmful to your health. Are
The Alien thus said to me.
The alien that comes from a planet far far away talks to me and thus said to me One thing really puzzles us about your planet. When we look at your maps, we see mountains where your maps say they are. We see water, where your maps say there are sees and oceans. But what