التجاره بالدين
إعلاء راية الدين يستلزم ان نرفع راية الدين أولا، لكن كيف يتم ذلك وكل من يرفع راية الدين يُتهم بأنه يتاجر بالدين؟ حتى انني اظن في نفسي انه لو كان سيد الخلق صلي الله عليه وسلم بيننا الان لاتهموه بأنه يتاجر بالدين لو قرأ قول الله تعالى (إن الله اشترى من المؤمنين أنفسهم وأموالهم بأن
Rumor:Sony releasing the largest phone to date Xperia ZU
The race for larger screens on phones is getting pretty tense. Sony is rumored to be releasing a 6.4 inch phone which would put it on the list of largest phones and phablets. The leaked specs are impressive. 2.2Ghz snapdragon 800 quad core processor Full HD ( 1080P ) IPS LCD screen. 2GB Ram and
Samsung announces Galaxy S4 Zoom a camera that is a phone.
Here in Egypt people love their phones to the extent that digital cameras are nearly dead. But you can not get decent photos or a good zoom with a phone. This is all about to change. The new Galaxy S4 Zoom is more of a camera than any other phone. It has a dedicated zoom
Asus to release a 6 inch Galaxy Note like phablet
Asus announced the Fonepad Note FHD 6 which is a 6 inch phone/tablet ( phablet ) with a stylus just like the Galaxy note 2. It will have a full HD display and an intel Atom Z2560 dual-core processor. I doubt very much that it will come to Egypt but at 6 inches this is
The comedy of USA visa forms
One of the stupidest questions in the universe is “Are you a serial killer?” I mean really, will you believe him if he says no? And what will you do if he says yes? When such a question is asked by a person well you can blame is on low IQ, but when similar questions
Android phones with keyboard
The first Android phone the G1 had a physical keyboard, I had one, and it was amazing. Keyboards are easier to write on than touch screens and faster too. But the main strong point of a physical keyboard is that the screen is visible fully for virtual touch keyboards usually eat half the screen making
List of phablets ( big screen phones )
If you are like me, then you love big screen phones. These phablets have one main advantage, they can be used as a true productivity tool. So I am assembling a list of phablets for me and like minded people. They are also much more suitable for the usage of people that are above 50
Samsung Galaxy S4 Now in Egypt for 5777LE and Note 8 for 4,600LE.
With a high price tag the Samsung Galaxy S4 is not available at most mobile shops and Egyptian online stores like nefsak for 5777LE with local distributor warranty. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is also available but in lesser quantities and some shops do not stock it still for 4,600LE. While the Note 8 works